The Woods – 18/09 Wednesday am

We are going over to the woods tomorrow as part of our RE lessons. Could you please make sure the children have a spare pair of shoes which are suitable for this in case it is muddy. PE trainers will be fine.

Could you please also ensure that the children always have their PE kits at school.

Many thanks.



A message from Katie:

The PTA AGM will take place this Wednesday 18th September at 8:30pm in The Red Lion, Chelwood Gate. The later time is because some Kestrals parents will be attending the open evening at Chailey School earlier that evening.

It would be fantastic to see lots of faces, old and new!

If you are interested in holding one of the ‘official’ positions of either Chair, Treasurer or Secretary then Wednesday will be the day to confirm your commitment.

In addition to having the above positions filled, we are hoping to have a wider group of parents who may be interested in getting involved in, say, 1 event during the year and form part of an event team for that one event. This would mean that the fundraising role is shared between a greater number of parents.

It would be fantastic to have as many of you involved as possible. Whoever ends up being the Chair may have his/her suggestions around sharing the responsibility.

Please feel free to ask any questions!

Hope to see you on Wednesday!

Week 1

For the first week and a half we are focusing upon the book The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan. The children have studied the text and looked at the the use of colour and what the front cover told them. They have started to design their own Lost Thing which is based around the drawings in the book. and will construct them during the coming week. The children have been asked to bring in something that is part of a collection and to talk about it with the rest of the class for Wednesday.

Back to school

I hope you all have had a great summer.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday morning, I will be in the top playground, to make sure the children know where to go and what to put where.

There is a cloakroom on the right as you enter the blue doors by the classroom where the children can hang up their coats and PE bags they will have an allocated named peg.

Please ensure all school uniform and PE kit is labelled clearly – it makes it so much easier to return it to the owner.

PE lessons will be scheduled on a Wednesday and a Thursday weather dependent but please make sure they have their PE kit at school each day.

Please ensure that your child brings a bag and a named water bottle to school each day. If you would like your child to have fruit or vegetables for a snack in the morning, you will need to send them in with your child.

We are very lucky to have Clare and Pedro as our class Teacher Assistants this year. As well as Gay, who volunteers for a day and a half each week to work alongside me in the class.

For the first week and a half the main focus will be sharing the book, ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. This will be a whole school topic. It is beautifully illustrated story about a boy who discovers a bizarre-looking creature while out collecting bottle-tops at a beach. Having guessed that it is lost, he tries to find out who owns it or where it belongs.

I will be holding a ‘Welcome Meeting’ on Wednesday 11th September 5:30pm to 6:15pm. It would be great to see you all – this will be an opportunity for you to find out what will be happening in the class this year, and I will be available to answer any questions you may have.

As I will explain at the Welcome Meeting, our first terms topic will be called ‘Alimento’ which is a Spanish word for food or nourishment. We will be talking to the children about how we can approach the topic using the learning objectives from the National Curriculum and our ‘Principles of Enlivened Learning’ (which you can find under Further Information/Policies on the school website) to create engaging and purposeful activities.

Please do keep an eye on the blog. At the end of each week, I will post an update so that you can see how the topic is developing.

Homework and spellings will be posted, and I will remind you of any key events coming up or the schedule.

I will be available in the playground at 8.40am each morning if you need a quick chat. If you do need longer, please could you make an appointment to see me at another time.

See you on Thursday morning.